#35 - "Worst Toddler Reads" - MommyBeta Podcast

This week's podcast continues the discussion on how to get our picky eaters to chow down with new findings from a Cornell Study. We also talk about how to get make meal time easier with seven meals from one chicken. Lastly, we discuss Babble's top 10 worst Toddler books as well as a few we think should be added to the list. We also highlight some of our favorite toddler books and some of our Facebook fans book recommendations. A big thank you to our sponsors and BakeMeAWish. Check 'em out and tell them we sent you!
Here are a few books we mentioned that we love--please share yours in the comments! We'd love to check them out.
Berenstein Bears and the Spooky Old Tree (and other B Bear books)
Where is Baby's Belly Button (and other lift the flap books by Karen Katz)
Princess Baby Night Night (and other Karen Katz books)
That's Not My Puppy (and other That's Not My books)
Potty by Leslie Patricelli

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