#60 "Not-So-Dirty Dogs and Dealing with Hitting without Hitting the Wall" - MommyBeta Podcast

This week, Alex, Jennifer and Nathalee discuss dogs in the house, toddlers who hit and moms who are too hard on themselves (and how to lighten up).
A big thank you to sponsors Drobo and Gazelle.com.
Listen to the podcast here.
helicopter parents,

Reader Comments (1)
I've been wanting a dog for years but it was never the "right time"... I was commuting three hours a day, we didn't have a back yard, we travel too much. The excuses were always there. Even when I got a new job to shorten the commute and bought a house with a backyard, then there was the pregnancy and the new baby. I was determined that 2012 was going to be my year! When I made my desire to rescue public on Facebook, I was saddened by the people who warned me to not get a dog when we had a baby. Too much work, yadda yadda more excuses. I agreed on one front: I had no desire to potty train a toddler AND house train a pet, so we aimed to adopt an older dog who was already housebroken and knew some commands. We did our research for child-friendly breeds and connected with those breed-specific organizations. and the stars aligned in April... we adopted 9-year-old Samson. Two months into our family expansion, we're in love. He's not jumpy like a puppy and not threatened by the toddler. My son loves petting him, laying on the floor next to him, and when I carry my son to another room, he leans over my shoulder to say "come Sammy come". He wants to include Samson in everything we do! My son is also thrilled with his new "chore" of filling up Samson's bowl with more dog food. I'm still trying to manage pushing a stroller while having a dog on a leash during our walks, but that's another story. I don't worry about the pros and cons of having a pet and a baby...or the long-term benefits. IMHO, loving and being loved is the greatest health benefit around.