#73 "Sexy Time" - MommyBeta Podcast

This week we discuss getting ready to have sex post baby, the benefits of childcare, and setting up an urban nursery for Alex's new baby #2 on the way!!
Listen to the podcast here.

Motherhood operating systems in progress.
Important Update: We have decided to take our blog posts private. If you are looking for a specific piece of content, please email nathalee at mommybeta dot com and I will send you the post. Thanks for reading!
This week we discuss getting ready to have sex post baby, the benefits of childcare, and setting up an urban nursery for Alex's new baby #2 on the way!!
Listen to the podcast here.
This week we talk about naming your child something you won't regret, tasks with toddlers that take forever, putting your kids on a leash - literally - and getting back in the sack with your significant other after the baby is born.
Please visit our show sponsors! Thank you to Gazelle.com and Bake Me A Wish!
Listen to the podcast here.
This week we discuss the newest baby beta to be added to the lineup! We also discuss mommy fatigue and whether we would choose sex over the Super Bowl. Also, how do we encourage our toddlers to eat without going overboard? All that and a few toddler book reports on this week's MommyBeta podcast!