#88 "Catching Up" - MommyBeta Podcast

This week we catch up after a month-long hiatus. We also talk about the science of breastmilk and Nic's 3rd birthday.
Listen to the podcast here.

Motherhood operating systems in progress.
Important Update: We have decided to take our blog posts private. If you are looking for a specific piece of content, please email nathalee at mommybeta dot com and I will send you the post. Thanks for reading!
This week we catch up after a month-long hiatus. We also talk about the science of breastmilk and Nic's 3rd birthday.
Listen to the podcast here.
This week we congratulate Jennifer on her birth and birth story, we discuss the increase in midwives delivering babies, and dealing with a picky eater.
We also announce that we are going to move the MommyBeta podcast to a monthly show. Thanks for your support everyone!
Listen to the podcast here.
This week we discuss raising boys, having your baby the way you want to have your baby, and a few cloth diapering tricks.
Listen to the podcast here.
This week we discuss Natali's crappy experience flying with United airlines, using bribery to get your child to cooperate, and the best way to circumsize a boy.
Listen to the podcast here.
On this week's show, the MommyBetas discuss ways to gently introduce a new baby to your toddler including gift ideas for toddler and baby, and why you shouldn't fret too much over how much your little one is eating.
Listen to the podcast here.