#85 "Fly The Unfriendly Skies" - MommyBeta Podcast

This week we discuss Natali's crappy experience flying with United airlines, using bribery to get your child to cooperate, and the best way to circumsize a boy.
Listen to the podcast here.

Motherhood operating systems in progress.
Important Update: We have decided to take our blog posts private. If you are looking for a specific piece of content, please email nathalee at mommybeta dot com and I will send you the post. Thanks for reading!
This week we discuss Natali's crappy experience flying with United airlines, using bribery to get your child to cooperate, and the best way to circumsize a boy.
Listen to the podcast here.
This week we discuss whether or not giving toddlers incentives such as money or treats is manipulation. We also discuss the use of physical restraints as punishment in schools, your toddler's attachment to a stuffed animal, and how to know when you're finished having babies.
Listen to the podcast here.
Can you have it all? We discuss this concept from a great essay in The Atlantic. We also discuss traveling while pregnant and with small babies, all the stuff you have to carry, and using a midwife for delivery.
Listen to the podcast here.
Can we trust the men in our lives to take contraception? Hm. We discuss. This week we also talk about airlines discriminating against families and various options for preschool.
Please also show our show sponsors Gazelle.com and Bake Me A Wish some love!
Listen to the podcast here.
The mommies discuss playground and aircraft safety, more potty training and the increase in measles in the US. They also give a shout out to fan “eskeymo” for her super sweet iTunes review and reveal the winner of the PotteryBarnKids Anywhere Chair!
Products/Ideas mentioned:
Listen to the podcast here.