#85 "Fly The Unfriendly Skies" - MommyBeta Podcast

This week we discuss Natali's crappy experience flying with United airlines, using bribery to get your child to cooperate, and the best way to circumsize a boy.
Listen to the podcast here.

Motherhood operating systems in progress.
Important Update: We have decided to take our blog posts private. If you are looking for a specific piece of content, please email nathalee at mommybeta dot com and I will send you the post. Thanks for reading!
This week we discuss Natali's crappy experience flying with United airlines, using bribery to get your child to cooperate, and the best way to circumsize a boy.
Listen to the podcast here.
This week we defend Jessica Simpson and her pregnancy weight gain, as well as talk about our own pregnancy weight gain. We also talk A LOT about potty training. Natali's resources are these Trickle Free Trainers and and this book.
We also discuss whether to change diapers in airplane seats and what to do for 2nd birthday party ideas.
Listen to the podcast here.
What are the stakes for flying with a lap baby? Should you wear your baby during take off and landing or not? And should you pay your nanny when you're on vacation? We discuss all of this, plus Natali's post about how to edit together your videos a bit more professionally.
Also, watch Baby Mo's favorite They Might Be Giants videos here and here.